Saturday, December 28, 2019
Tell Us Your Grammar and Spelling Pet Peeves
Tell Us Your Grammar and Spelling Pet PeevesGrammar and Spelling Pet PeevesTell Us Your Grammar and Spelling Pet PeevesIt feels like we never shut up about how important it is to have an error-free resume and cover letter, but its one of those topics that cant be overstated. The challenge is to find a new way to state it. So rather than think up some way to repackage the same old information, Im asking you, dear Blog readers, to share your pet peeves in the spelling and grammar categories. But lets take that request one step furtherif you can, include a tip to help us all remember the right way vs. the wrong way. Ill start.My pet peeve is the misuse of I when talking about yourself and another party. For example, which sounds correct?Heres a picture of Jim and I.Heres a picture of Jim and me.The first one might sound more proper, but its wrong. Technically, the explanation is that I is a subject and me is an object, but who can remember that? Fortunately, theres a much easier way to figure it out Just remove the other person from the sentence (temporarily). In the example above, if you remove Jim and, its easy to landsee which one is rightHeres a picture of I. (Eeew.)Heres a picture of me. (Ahhh Thats better.)When we put our friend Jim back in, the me doesnt change. Heres a picture of Jim and me.But, but, but if you consider a slightly different sentence, Jim and I posed for a picture, then I is the right choice, because you would never say, me posed for a picture. This tip works whether the other party is one person, a group, or whatever. (The team and I gave a presentation. The boss bought lunch for my friends and me. My dog and I love pizza.)In an atmosphere where people misspell things intentionally in their texts and tweets, it may seem nit-picky to insist on perfect grammar and spelling in your job search documents. But you wouldnt go to a job interview with a hole in your shirt, so dont send a resume or cover letter with a mistake in it.Now its your tur n to share your spelling or grammar pet peeveand if you have onea tip for avoiding it
Monday, December 23, 2019
ASME Issues Statement Supporting U.S. National Strategy for Ad...
ASME Issues Statement Supporting U.S. National Strategy for Ad... ASME Issues Statement Supporting U.S. National Strategy for Ad... ASME Issues Statement Supporting U.S. National Strategy for Advanced ManufacturingASME recently issued a position statement on behalf of 27 companies, associations and universities urging the United States to develop a National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing with a long-range outlook for increased coordination and sustained support for Federal programs and activities, which would ensure continued growth and innovation within the U.S. manufacturing sector.The position statement, which ASME President Charla K. Wise sent to Ted Wackler, Deputy Chief of Staff in the White Houses Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) on March 7, was written in response to a Request for Information (RFI) issued by the OSTP seeking input from the public regarding the coordination and improvement of Federal programs and activities that foster manufacturing competitiveness , including advanced manufacturing RD that will provide new job opportunities, spur the economy in multiple industries, strengthen national security, and improve healthcare.The statement included a number of suggestions for short- and long-term objectives for ensuring the United States success in advanced manufacturing. In the near-term, the Federal government must show it has an unwavering commitment to the advanced manufacturing sector so that industry and other stakeholders can invest without fear that the Federal government will eliminate or pull back from programs it has invested in, Wise wrote. Industry needs the assurance that the Federal government is its partner, together working on pre-competitive, pre-market solutions to national manufacturing concerns.In order for the Federal government to successfully act as a neutral convener, which is necessary to accelerate advanced manufacturing breakthroughs, there needs to be support for longer-range research targeting 10-15 years out, and there is a need to ensure that this longer-range research is being funneled into medium- to short-range research and development so that we can make use of and leverage this work, Wise said. In supporting a thriving manufacturing innovation pipeline, the United States will be able to innovate at a pace competitive with other nations, ensuring the next breakthrough manufacturing technologies are invented and commercialized here in America.In addition to the initial funding of research, the Federal government must play an ongoing role as a neutral convener and accelerator of technology by offering sustained funding for important manufacturing programs and commit to scaling these programs to a level that will ensure the United States sustained leadership in advanced manufacturing. It takes many years, if not decades, for research to mature into viable commercialized technologies. The advanced manufacturing innovations of tomorrow are entirely dependent on todays research, and research is also entirely dependent upon the ability to budget for the long term, Wise wrote.The government support of public-private partnerships, which can speed the development and commercialization of technical innovations, would also be a key component of a successful National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing. If the government does not fully commit to its role as a neutral convener through existing and new public-private partnerships, multiple players in the same industry will have no incentive to work together on pre-competitive research and development, stunting the growth of the U.S. advanced manufacturing sector and compromising our role as the world leader in innovative technologies, according to the statement.Another important teil of an effective National Strategic Plan would be the appointment of a chief manufacturing officer to ensure that the plan was properly implemented. A chief manufacturing officer would be responsible for coordinating manufacturing-rel ated policies and activities across agencies to eliminate any duplicative efforts and streamline processes to make sure all Federal efforts are as efficient as possible in achieving their mission of increasing manufacturing competitiveness, creating new jobs, growing the economy across multiple industrial sectors, strengthening national security, and improving healthcare, Wise wrote.To read the entire RFI Response National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing (ID PS-18-4), visit the ASME Positions Statements page on
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Richard Laudenat Begins his Presidential Term at the ASME Annual Meeting
Richard Laudenat Begins his Presidential Term at the ASME Annual Meeting Richard Laudenat Begins his Presidential Term at the ASME Annual Meeting Richard Laudenat Begins his Presidential Term at the ASME Annual MeetingRichard Laudenat, the new president of ASME, discussed his goals for his term as the Societys 138th president during the Presidents Dinner on June 4 at the ASME Annual Meeting.In his inaugural address earlier this month at the Presidents Dinner at the Annual Meeting in Orlando, Fla., ASMEs new President Richard Laudenat shared some of his goals for his yearlong term as ASMEs 138th president and talked about the importance of the Societys mission-based programs to ensuring a thriving future for both ASME and the engineering profession. (Left to right) ASME immediate Past President Said Jahanmir congratulates new President Richard Laudenat at the Presidents Dinner.Laudenat stressed that ASME must continue to adhere to its mission and vision, continue to eva luate and respond to global trends, and persist in building upon and developing programs based on the five strategic technologies approved by the Board of Governors robotics, bioengineering, clean energy, manufacturing and pressure technology in buchen to position itself as a leader in innovation and global development.ASME must also remain dedicated to encouraging diversity and inclusion, in both the organization and the wider profession, Laudenat added. It is through an effective diversity and inclusion strategy that we will expand and excel in finding new and innovative solutions from within our ranks, while we build on a culture of acceptance, inclusion, professionalism and respect for all, he said during the dinner, which was held June 4 at the JW Marriott Grande Lakes.Laudenat went on to emphasize the significance of various ASME programs that support the Societys mission, such as ASME Engineering Festivals (E-Fests), the INSPIRE digital STEM courses for middle and high scho ol students the Innovation Showcase (ISHOW) global competition highlighting engineering for social impact Engineering for Change (E4C) and the ASME Early Career Leadership Intern Program to Serve Engineering (ECLIPSE), which offers early career engineers the opportunity to learn first-hand about ASME at the leadership level.Its essential that we understand the values that our mission-focused programs bring to ASME, Laudenat said. We also need robust and scrutable ways to measure and evaluate them. To that end, ASME has begun the first stage of a new Social Return on Investment (SROI) initiative, which will enable the Society to measure the long-range impact of its social responsibility initiatives. During his speech at the Presidents Dinner, immediate Past President Said Jahanmir touched on some of the endeavors that had taken distributionspolitik during his term.Toward the end of his speech, Laudenat identified several strategic areas in which he hopes the Society co ntinues to make strides during the coming year. These include developing a persuasive membership proposition to increase the number of active ASME members, particularly early career engineers and students encouraging collaboration between ASMEs volunteers and staff and upholding the Societys current standing in standards and conformity assessment, conferences and events, technical publications, student competitions, honors and awards, and other areas.One of the most promising opportunities for ASME, Laudenat continued, was in Learning Development. ASME is beginning a transition from a traditional knowledge organization to a learning organization, he said. Think about the possibilities here for ASME and the new generation of learners entering the engineering profession each year. Together we can accomplish so much, resulting in transformational impact for engineers in every corner of the world. (Left to right) ASME Executive Director/CEO Tom Costabile, immediate Past President Said Jahanmir, ASME President Richard Laudenat, Past President Charla Wise and President-Nominee Bryan Erler at the Presidents Dinner.Earlier in the program, 2018-2019 President Said Jahanmir looked back at some of ASMEs accomplishments during his presidential term, citing such examples as the development and imminent launch of a new and improved website the publication of 13 new standards and 30 updated standards the addition of the 31st ASME journal, the ASMEJournal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities, which will launch next year the success of ASME educational outreach programs including INSPIRE, ASME Engineering Festivals (E-Fests) and EFx, which reached mora than 122,000 K-12 and university students the presentation of more than $350,000 in scholarships to students to help ensure the future of the profession and the Societys continued promotion of professional development by providing education and training to thousands of people through more than 300 live technical courses and e-learning opportunities.Jahanmir also discussed some recent organizational structure changes that support a renewed focus on membership, students, sections and divisions. These changes, based on recommendations from the four Presidential Task Forces and approved by the Board of Governors at its April meeting, include the formation of the new Member Development and Engagement (MDE) Sector to provide governance for sections, student sections and membership development and the renaming and restructuring of the Technical Event and Content Sector, which will now be known as the Technical and Engineering (TEC) Communities Sector.These are just a few examples of what we have accomplished together, Jahanmir said. This is a true confirmation of what we can do if we work together toward a common vision, disseminating technical information to improve safety and the quality of life. It has been a great year, and I promise you that next year will be even more successful than this year. We are on a path of continuous improvement and growth.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Mad Men Careers and Policies, Then and Now
militrischer abschirmdienst Men Careers and Policies, Then and Nowmilitrischer abschirmdienst Men Careers and Policies, Then and NowThe final season of Mad Men has just wrapped up, leaving long-term fans aching for the shows view into the good old fashioned, scandalous world of advertising and marketing in the 1960s and beyond.A lot that has changed between the 1960s and now. There are mora opportunities for women in the workforce, and the government has stepped in to encourage and enforce equal employment opportunities for those with a disability or minority status. What follows are more changes between Then Now as represented by the cast of characters in Mad Men.Job Mobility and Longevity ThenJob mobility refers to the process of moving vertically and horizontally within your field. That is, how you go about getting raises and promotions as well as how often you change jobs to pursue a raise or promotion.Throughout Mad Men, there was pressure on women to sleep with someone to get ahead at work. And the threat of sexual harassment in the workplace was fairly nonexistent. If Peggy had given up every time she received a rude comment or someone made a pass at her, she never would have made it from secretary to copy chief.The show also provides insight into the volatile agency workplace of that era. Several of the characters rise through the ranks, leadership roles downshift and others are fired. The show paints a different picture than the stereotypes weve come to embrace about long-term employment in the 1960s and 1970s.Job Mobility and Longevity NowJob mobility in 2015 is a different story. We have access to a large supply of free and low-cost professional development tools, including certificates, courses and self-help blogs and websites. Anyone in any field can take initiative to develop ancillary skills that can help them secure a promotion or even start their own business with little to no traditional funding sources.Job longevity has also changed, with th e push and pull between Millennials who embrace job-hopping and those who want to stay put and develop their careers. While workers in the Mad Men era were predominantly focused on getting a paycheck and achieving greatness on the job, Millennials and those that follow focus more on engagement, meaning and pursuing their passions on the job.ImageHR ThenThis is the first time Ive noticed that in all of the business scenes and corporate goings-on, there was never once a reference to a human resources manager on Mad Men. Which, considering all of the racism, sexism, sexual harassment and bribery going on, makes sense. Any HR team would have had its work cut out for it in the SCDP building trying to control the rampant Equal Opportunity problems going on behind closed doors.HR NowWhile we have a long way to go until we can consider the American workplace perfect, we have definitely made improvement towards our goals of promoting equal opportunities and monitoring and controlling the beh avior we accept on the job. We have also made small but significant changes towards health in the workplace, such as banning smoking from the workplace and making drinking on the job a lot less acceptable (outside the occasional holiday office party, of course).ImagePTO ThenThere were several times throughout Mad Men Seasons One through Seven where you started to wonder if anyone was watching the clock. Don Draper disappears for days at a time and is hard to reach, often meeting up with various women around the city, doing drugs at parties or pursuing expunktal plot points about his past in California. And then theres Peggys bout with tuberculosis. (Spoiler alert she had Petes lovechild.) She disappeared for a few weeks and returned with no questions asked. Coupled with the odd hours and erratic schedule of the rest of the creative team, this begs the question of whether or not anyone was tracking time outside of the secretary pool.PTO NowHeres one case in which the Mad Men era may have had it right. In 2015, an estimated one to three percent of US companies are trying out an unlimited PTO policy as a benefit for employees as they gain seniority. These companies arent your hip marketing agencies and Silicon Valley companies. Theyre typical companies seeking new ways to attract top talent and possibly limit expensive, quantified benefits that must be paid out when an employee leaves a company.ImageGraphic Design ThenTo hear the cast of Mad Men tell the story, graphic design in the 1960s and 1970s made use of the camera, the drafting board and a selection of colored pencils, markers and ink. In fact, many companies advertised for graphic designers and illustrators by placing Can you draw this? ads in local newspaper and recruiting talented artists. Art Directors the leadership position for graphic designers also helped companies put images and concepts together with ad copy to develop the distinctive style and feel of 1960s that involved only as much technolog y as we had back then.Graphic Design NowMany talented graphic designers still start with pen and paper to brainstorm ideas, but in 2015 it rarely ever stops there. Technology has taken over the graphic design industry and requires new graphic designers to take courses in Adobe Creative Suite, including Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and more. This new approach results in ad campaigns in a variety of styles from heavily modified photography and stop-motion to full computer graphic illustrations.Search for graphic designer jobs and art director jobs on Simply Hired.geschftlicher umgang Management ThenBusiness management in the Mad Men era required a strong and healthy liver and a high tolerance for working late. These habits often led to chronic health problems, on-the-job romance and broken marriages and very lucrative marketing contracts. The biggest factor related to success in Mad Men business management positions? Building and guarding your personal relationships and hoping yo u wouldnt get stabbed in the back by a business partner.ImageBusiness Management NowBusiness management today still includes a lot of networking, but it takes a very different form. Business managers now need to keep up with their networks with digital tools like LinkedIn, email marketing and company blogs. Companies today increasingly embrace the use of telecommuting and technology in the marketplace (something not readily available to Mad Men characters unless it was to use a landline at a party in San Francisco to call the office in New York). Strategy and relationship-building are less about volatile individual relationships and more about wide scale strategic partnerships and company-wide campaigns.Find a position in business management or telecommuting on Simply Hired.If this list made you a little homesick for SCDPs view of the world, theres nothing stopping you from power-streaming the show. And while you do so, be on the lookout for more Then Now moments you could add to t his list
Sunday, December 8, 2019
What Business Systems Analyst Resume Is - and What it Is Not
What geschftlicher umgang Systems Analyst Resume Is - and What it Is Not Introducing Business Systems Analyst Resume Finance fairs nearly also regarding annual wages, although the field offers less than half the range of jobs. Find out how to develop a new career using your present skill set to make the expert life you wish to Redesign Your Career. To earn an ideal skills section, list your very best skills and the very best skills youve got from the work offer. If you currently have a company or non-technical level, you can enhance your knowledge by taking a certified on-line course in Business Systems Analysis, which will supply you with the essential industry knowledge and practical skills. If you make a determination, choose a plan of action, or think you own a remedy to an issue, youre embarking on a project. As you mature as a BA, youre use an assortment of methods to conduct analysis and deconstruct the issue or solution. Nobody will believe you until youve conducted extensive investigations on the issue, and youre able to show that your solution is easily the most sound. Thus, you need to be prepared to continuously adapt and resolve problems. Most Noticeable Business Systems Analyst Resume For any specific analyst role, there may be specific models you will need to create. For this senior-level role, you ought to look for candidates with good expertise in geschftlicher umgang analysis. As a business analyst, you know the ability of information and the way that it impacts the decisions you make. Besides performing many small business analyst activities, a lead will coordinate and oversee the job of different BAs as it relates to a particular project. The data you gather can help you plan out the finances of your company solution also. To arrive at these decisions, systems analysts must comprehend the general aims of the business and each users job needs in order to pick the best suiting systems to achieve the aims of the company. On the flip side, the systems analyst will revolve around system certain requirements. A business systems analyst has the capacity to determine best codes when it comes to speed, usability and maintenance. Business analysts utilize various methods to analyze the issue and the solution. They work to build a shared understanding of problems, outline the parameters of the project, and determine potential solutions. Business systems analysts can likewise be called computer systems analysts. In lieu of a quality control department, they might need to test software or coordinate a testing environment. The Key to Successful Business Systems Analyst Resume A business analyst attempts to map out all of the use cases (such as exceptions) to make sure each of the requirements are covered and well thought through. Its also vital that you understand how to ask insightful questions to retrieve the information that you need from stakeholders. As a new small business analyst, the capability t o use standard office tools like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint should be enough to secure you into the profession. You should be able to listen and absorb information. What Business Systems Analyst Resume Is - and What it Is Not A business analyst is understood to be an individual accountable for making every decision and tactics to attain the objective of a project or company program. Other businesses concentrate on sales. Match any business experience youve got with the job youre interviewing for. As a member, youre get business analyst job alerts sent straight to your inbox so that you can waste no time applying to the ones which youre most interested in. On the flip side, the 2 roles do offer a wholesome contest in project related decisions. Each day, you face many challenges and duties. If youre lacking a good deal of expert experience then it is even more critical you compose a flawless education section. The last portion of the resume is about your professional exper ience. Business analysts, on the flip side, utilize the data analysis to produce strategic business decisions. They must be good communicators. Business Systems Analysts work to comprehend the total company and and technological needs of a provider. Professional small business analysts play a vital part in a providers productivity, efficiency, and profitability. The 10 Business Analyst Positions are broken up into three sections. Sticking with a career for a Business Analyst can be very fruitful and enriching. Therefore, if you want the theoretical facet of Business Analysis as opposed to the practical strategy, this is the job for you. Business analysis can encompass an assortment of responsibilities that are unique to the field theyre in. The Basics of Business Systems Analyst Resume You will also find BAs in the middle of facilitating teams to address technical challenges, particularly when they involve negotiation between multiple company or technical stakeholders. It s also advisable to be ready to supervise projects of varying sizes. Also, self-discipline and motivation and capacity to manage several projects at one time is important. Think about it as a chance for you to showcase the scope of your experience. An advanced comprehension of the absolute most common analytical tools in the marketplace will surely aid your possibility in being successful in an application. Possessing the capacity to communicate with all sorts of people is vital. Even if a person messes up their precise job, its your obligation to make certain that they fix this, or dont mess up in the very first place. Another problem that complicates things is the simple fact that job titles have a tendency to vary.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Poac Resume Writing - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt
Poac Resume Writing - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt Type of Poac Resume Writing School brilliance doesnt necessarily translate into real-life applicability. If you follow the suggestions above you will have an interesting, compelling resume summary that is likely to make the reader want to find out more about you even regardless of your lack of work experience Whilst you write your summary for your resume, attempt to think of what you want them to discuss with you, and what exactly you desire an opportunity to discuss. Just begin with the descriptive words. The Definitive Approach to Poac Resume Writing You must begin networking once possible. Networking is something which should be done every single day and its ongoing, it never ends. Ensure that your resume will highlight your very best assets. Appealing to every individual employers wants and job requirements is the very best strategy for getting your application noticed. On top of that, our cost o f resume writing services is among the lowest on the industry. Your resume writer will request that you send them links to any roles you want to submit an application for. In the modern competitive job market, you are in need of a superior, professional resume to land the ideal job. Since the majority of us change jobs sooner or later, its always wisest to have an up-to-date resume handy. Personal job searches and business layoffs are stressful enough without needing to be concerned about resume writing. This is the way I recommend phrasing it. Theres a huge emphasis on who you know and not just what you know. A strong understanding of grammar and writing is vital to being a thriving editor. The Appeal of Poac Resume Writing You will step out in confidence knowing your abilities and proud accomplishments are captured in one document. Youve got a large number of valuable abilities and accomplishments. You must find out the way to use your transferable abilities and know your own personal expert pitch. Because you have a specialized skill set in a professional occupation, make sure you highlight the particular skills that are relevant to perioperative care first. She believes everybody ought to have a management program instead of only applying to job boards once every so often. Doing so will make reading your resume a pleasure, since youve demonstrated that you comprehend the employers needs and possible issues. Let us do the job for you. There is a good deal of work ahead of you, but you are able to do it. The 5-Minute Rule for Poac Resume Writing Its imperative that you comprehend the demands of the job and address them on your resume. Land the job that you want now. After allIf you would like a nice job, receive a good resume. Lots of people dont like their present job or career. While the functional resume format may be an attractive solution for job seekers with very little experience, fruchtwein employers would rather have a chro nological or hybrid resume format. Whatever resume format you opt to use, be confident your format remains consistent throughout the document. Our 20 templates give you examples for most instances you could face. I know you dont need a template from Word thats generic and blah.
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